ARE Structural Systems Seminars by David Thaddeus
The seminars, the “toys”, the hand outs, breakdowns, diagrams and your passion (with the humor) truly aided in my success. What you’ve developed is outstanding.
Somehow, I don’t know exactly how, watching the @your pace videos changed the way I thought about structural systems. Anything I read after the seminars actually made sense and it was easy to remember. I highly recommend them to anyone who is completely lost. It was amazing! Best decision ever.
While in one of the sessions you stated that the study course was by no means a “silver bullet”, I was extremely equipped. I was stressed with all of the specifics rooted in Kaplan regarding earthquakes and the myriad of formulas…….. You from day one took a holistic view of each structural impact “topic” may have on a structure. That was my silver bullet.
While in one of the sessions you stated that the study course was by no means a “silver bullet”, I was extremely equipped. I was stressed with all of the specifics rooted in Kaplan regarding earthquakes and the myriad of formulas…….. You from day one took a holistic view of each structural impact “topic” may have on a structure. That was my silver bullet.
Got my PASS letter in the mail yesterday. This is a quick note to say that without taking Thaddeus online seminars I do not think I would have passed. I watched all of them (+/-35 hours) intently taking notes and replaying segments that didn’t “stick”. This is not a program you can just let play in the background while you work or jog or clean the house. They are intense but absolutely critical.
You made structures easy to understand and actually FUN. I love your teaching methods, especially your “toys”, as you called them, brilliant and absolutely wonderful.
I have not finished watching the videos yet, but I just wanted to say a few words because I can’t wait to tell you… You are an amazingly talented teacher!!! I love they way you present all the information and make it so simple and digestible in a few words. I have never been this clear about structural calculations in my entire life! I love it how you use the little plastic models to illustrate the connections and the movement of structures! Brilliant idea! Also, the use of animation is perfect! I am actually starting to like structures and look forward to every video. Your students are very lucky to have you as their instructor! That’s all for now! 🙂
This has been a long time coming and I am forever in your debt. Thank you for your dedication to this cause. While I understand it is business, you would not direct your time toward something that you truly didn’t have a passion for… You are a wonderful teacher.
I haven’t done the online Thaddeus course, but did a live Thaddeus seminar, and a few months later did another course. The other course was fine, if not maybe a little too much (I felt like I could have taken the PE after). The Thaddeus seminar was incredible. David is one of the best teachers I ever had, truly amazing. I’m sure the online course is very good as well.
Thaddeus videos will take the content and make it relatable and understandable for an architect. If you spent a weekend and a night or two and went through his course, you’d have the tools, organization, and foundation to just need a couple weeks of calc practice, cheat sheet practice and solidifying concepts enough to pass. His course re-taught me structures from scratch and actually made the info interesting. Other videos looked good but seemed too “engineer-like” where Thaddeus’ was much more accessible.
I finished the Thaddeus online at your own pace videos yesterday. He does a wonderful job of full SS integration at the onset. Then goes into the specifics. there are a few hiccups in the videos, but all in all these are the best prep dollars I have spent to date. I am now in Kaplan question and answer book and feeling solid. I have had to jump back and forth to brief video reviews what a great resource! Additionally, I have been able to whittle the formula and diagram list down considerably compared to some of the available study guides. I HIGHLY recommend the video series. I began with the Kaplan book but the topics were so divided it felt counterproductive. Not that I am faulting the material organization, it just didn’t give me a “full picture at the onset” (which I personally need). I imagine if I had completed the SS book I would have gotten there – but the road would have been a lot longer.